Performance Policies
The Greatest Showman

Absences from Class
Dancers that are frequently absent from their regular classes may be taken out of portions of their class dance. This is up to the discretion of the teacher, based on the student's absences. This is not meant to be a punishment to a single dancer, but we can't hold back the rest of the class from progressing forward.
Nude Colored Leotard
All dancers that are in more than one class must provide their own nude colored camisole leotard to be worn under all of their costumes. Clear straps are preferred.

Costumes will be handed out in classes before the shows. After they are handed out, all accessories are your responsibility once they are handed out. have your dancer try on their costumes at home-- any adjustments that you decide are necessary for proper fit are your responsibility. If an entire class's costumes are having issues, we will deal with them as needed. Costumes and all accessories will be yours to keep after the performance is finished.
Once you have paid for your costumes, neither the costume nore your payment can be returned.